Comedy Night at the Lodge


6:30 pm


Colonial-Prospect Lodge No. 24, F.&A.M.
370 East Main St., Chester, New Jersey
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We’re back at the Colonial Prospect Lodge once again! Enjoy a comedy show with headliner this show is Mike Morse (MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, E! Entertainment Network), featuring Jimmy Q (Caroline’s, Stand Up New York) along with host Natty Bumpercar (Greenwich Village Comedy Club).

This event is being held Saturday, April 6th at Colonial Prospect Lodge No. 24, F&AM, located at 370 Main St. in Chester, NJ.
Doors open at 6:30 PM for food and drinks, with the show to follow. Admission is only $65 per person, and seating is limited – for more information, contact or call 908-955-3338.